Hmmmmmm (h/t Scared Monkeys)
Amidst all the holiday shopping craziness, most Americans at this time of year want to see holiday signs that wish them a “Merry Christmas.”
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of adults prefer “Merry Christmas,” while 22% like “Happy Holidays” instead.
Older Americans favor “Merry Christmas” more than younger adults.
Interestingly, 20% of Americans think of themselves as liberals, especially among young idiots. Coincidence with the number who prefer Happy Holidays, especially since 58% of Democrats like the latter non-religious, generic, “thank goodness we are including Muslim and made up holidays” version?

Any kid doesn’t want to hear “Merry Christmas” they don’t get any presents. Plain and simple, I am tired of the politically correct, all inclusive and get rid of old customs mentality of todays young people, and they can all stuff it if they don’t want to hear me sing Joy to the Wrold and Silent Night. No one puts Christmas in a corner!