And just because I have absolutely nothing better to do…CAPTIONS!
1: Code Pink announced that they will be entering the Winter Olympics, in the Competitive Whining Commie Douchebag event.
2: Schwarzenegger’s budget-saving plan to use soggy Oreos for road repair hit a snag.
3: It can only be an improvement.
4: ‘Til death do us part…wait a minute….
5: Despite the infusion of $800 billion to research, there is still little hope for Joe Biden’s hair plugs.
6: McHomeless.
7: A stellar example of liberal optimism.
8: GM was proud to announce their new head of design, Ozzy Osbourne. But then the LSD wore off.
9: The house was asking for it, sitting there, with that sexy new siding and insulated windows…slut.
10: Even with all the signs, the Dems still bulled ahead with ridiculous spending bills.
11: Their parents’ rule that children should be seen and not heard would stay with them for the rest of their lives.
12: Honey, these new meds are AWESOME!!!!!
13: Cool! Mick Jagger’s in town!
14: To this day, “Psycho-barbarian #4” from The Road Warrior still has trouble adjusting to a calmer society. But he’s trying. God bless him, he’s trying.
15: Have you met my better half?
16: A stellar example of where Democrat leadership is taking us.
17: You know how angry you get when gravel flies off a dump truck and dings your windshield? Yeah, get over it.
18: Those who would cross the A6 to Aberdeen must answer me these questions three…’ere the other side ye see!
19: Run, Harry Reid! RUN!!!
20: Of all his daily tasks, Gorflaxx the Annihilator was least enthusiastic about walking the family rock.
Honestly, Teach…what the HELL is that thing in the last pic supposed to be?!?
Ed Brault on If All You See…: “In 1068 William the Conqueror ordered a survey of Britain to determine just how much wealth existed in the country.…” Mar 3, 13:35
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Secretary of State Marco Rubio has invoked “emergency authorities” to bypass Congress and send $4 billion in weapons to Israel,…” Mar 3, 12:20
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Strong rebuttal there, porter. LOL. WHINING… MAGAt” Mar 3, 12:13
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
And just because I have absolutely nothing better to do…CAPTIONS!
1: Code Pink announced that they will be entering the Winter Olympics, in the Competitive Whining Commie Douchebag event.
2: Schwarzenegger’s budget-saving plan to use soggy Oreos for road repair hit a snag.
3: It can only be an improvement.
4: ‘Til death do us part…wait a minute….
5: Despite the infusion of $800 billion to research, there is still little hope for Joe Biden’s hair plugs.
6: McHomeless.
7: A stellar example of liberal optimism.
8: GM was proud to announce their new head of design, Ozzy Osbourne. But then the LSD wore off.
9: The house was asking for it, sitting there, with that sexy new siding and insulated windows…slut.
10: Even with all the signs, the Dems still bulled ahead with ridiculous spending bills.
11: Their parents’ rule that children should be seen and not heard would stay with them for the rest of their lives.
12: Honey, these new meds are AWESOME!!!!!
13: Cool! Mick Jagger’s in town!
14: To this day, “Psycho-barbarian #4” from The Road Warrior still has trouble adjusting to a calmer society. But he’s trying. God bless him, he’s trying.
15: Have you met my better half?
16: A stellar example of where Democrat leadership is taking us.
17: You know how angry you get when gravel flies off a dump truck and dings your windshield? Yeah, get over it.
18: Those who would cross the A6 to Aberdeen must answer me these questions three…’ere the other side ye see!
19: Run, Harry Reid! RUN!!!
20: Of all his daily tasks, Gorflaxx the Annihilator was least enthusiastic about walking the family rock.
Honestly, Teach…what the HELL is that thing in the last pic supposed to be?!?