Awesome Flag Bikinis (10 Images)

Sorry for the lateness and only 10. Totally spaced it, plus, fingers are killing me from typing too much recently.

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4 Responses to “Awesome Flag Bikinis (10 Images)”

  1. captainfish says:

    Sir, I duly appreciate your rugged dedication to finding all that is fit to print. I went through your post line by line and I find it highly enlightening. Keep up the diligent .. news .. gathering.

  2. Heh!

    Amazingly, someone had whined early Monday about those two that got deleted, which were in no way bad. I’ve seen much worse on Photobucket.

  3. captainfish says:

    Yeah, like the whiners would be able to see anything like these ladies in real life anyway. Be happy for what you get. hehee

  4. […] Awesome Flag Bikinis (10 Images) […]

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