Monthly Archives: December 2009

December 7, 1941. 7.48am Hawaii Time

68 years ago, at this time, the air attack on Pearl Harbor began.

Are Wireless Phones The Next Liberal Bugaboo?

The Fish Wrap Of Record has a  long, long, long story, which appears on the front page of today’s edition, about the dangers of driving and wireless phones. There is also quite a bit of information regarding the profits (which, we all know are EVIL in Liberal World) that the industry makes. Is this just […]

Copenhagen Climahypocricy Opens Today. No Limo’s Available

Climahysterics are showing their true climahypocricy, just like they have done at so many of the other conferences, like when they visited the exotic vacation spot of Bali, and had to dead head (no passengers) their private jets to other islands because there were no parking spots left. So, not only are the ladies of […]

Iran Slows Internet Ahead Of Student Protests

But, hey, the Obama admin will probably ignore this repression from the Iranian regime, too Government opponents shouted “Allahu Akbar” and “Death to the Dictator” from Tehran’s rooftops in the pouring rain on the eve of student demonstrations planned for Monday. Authorities choked off Internet access and warned journalists working for foreign media to stick […]

Car Pooling? You’re Doing It Awesome, But Everyone Else Is Wrong (20 Images)

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another beautiful, albeit cold, day in America. Some folks are digging themselves out after some great snow yesterday and Friday. This pinup is by Fritz Willis, with a wee bit of help. Are ye ready for the ski season? What is happening in ye olde blogosphere? The Fine 15 Blogmocracy on why it […]

Sarah Palin’s So Popular, She Even Brings The Media Out In Droves

For good or bad, when Sarah is speaking, everyone wants to be there, even the media Sarah Palin’s 11-minute speech before Washington’s Gridiron Club at its Winter Dinne tossed a few barbs at the gathering of journalists, who she compared to “death panels.” “Sometimes you got to trust your instincts, and if you don’t, you […]

Rule 5 Saturday: What Sex Is Best To Avoid The Swine Flu?

Heh. The answer is “Reverse Cowgirl.” So says Cosmo, via Newsweek Reverse Cowgirl makes it easier for you not get caught watching the game, too! I am so dead for writing that. While we are at it, sexy Santa’s! (PG rated)

About That Melting Mt. Kilamanjaro? Gore Pwnd

You’ve been told time and time again that your “science” and talking points about Mt. Kilimanjaro’s snow and glaciers melting because of Man Induced Warming aren’t worth more than a bucket of spit, so, here’s some more reality for you to chew on Newspapers and news sites in the Netherlands today extensively broke the news […]

British Ministers Told To Not Call Islamic Extremists Extremists

The dhimmitude of Britain continues MINISTERS have been BANNED from using words like Islamist and fundamentalist – in case they offend Muslims. An eight-page Whitehall guide lists words they should not use when talking about terrorism in public and gives politically correct alternatives. They are told not to refer to Muslim extremism as it links […]

Pirate's Cove