Monthly Archives: December 2009

USA Today Provides The Duck And Cover For Obama

It appears as if MSM worship of Obama has now trended towards excuse making. Not that they haven’t been doing that all along, but, as they watch their artificially created Messiah flounder and fail, much like Howard The Duck at the box office, they are in full on duck and cover mode: Obama’s hopes for […]

Wacky Alan Grayson (D-Fl) Wants To Jail Critic For 5 Years

Just imagine the furor from the media, the Nutroots, and Democrats on the floor of the House if Grayson had an “R” after his name Not everyone thinks imitation is the best form of flattery. In fact, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando took such offense at a parody website aimed at unseating him that […]

Climate Deal, Sort Of, In Copenhagen

Woo woo woo! Now all the Chicken Littles can feel good about doing, um, well, something of no consequence The White House said Friday that U.S. President Barack Obama, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma reached a “meaningful agreement” for combating climate change. The deal was […]

Scared Of Santa (21 Images)

Words To Live By On A Snowy Friday

Taking a slight break from politics Accept that some days you’re the pigeon, and some days you’re the statue. Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them. Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. Drive carefully. It’s not […]

AGW Today: Inhofe, Alarmist Media, And 40 Members Of Congress

Things are getting fun in Copenhagen, and I’m not talking about being about to playing in the rare heavy snow that has fallen The leading global warming skeptic in the U.S. Senate shocked reporters in Copenhagen with a dose of American reality with his prediction Thursday morning that the U.S. Senate will not pass a […]

50% Now Say Climate Alarmists Are Full Of It

The climate alarmists are really not going to like this new Rasmussen poll, will probably throw around their normal smears about Rasmussen being in the pay of Big Oil and Big Corp and Big whatever Public skepticism about the officially promoted cause of global warming has reached an all-time high among Americans. A new Rasmussen […]

Defending GOProud At CPAC

Apparently, there was a little kerfuffle yesterday regarding GOProud, a new Conservative homosexual group, being a sponsor of CPAC. Some social Conservatives, led by anti-gay Matt Barber and the Liberty Counsel, want them excluded, or they will boycott CPAC. As Gabriel Malor writes, let them! CPAC responded CPAC is a coalition of nearly 100 conservative […]

Parenting Fail (20 Images)

Russians Say CRU Manipulated Data

Now why would the CRU do that? Certainly, it couldn’t have anything to do with money, power, and prestige, right?ClimateGate just got worse for the alarmists, no matter how much they want to ignore the issue or throw things like the 4 year olds liberals tend to emulate, via The Telegraph Climategate just got much, […]

Pirate's Cove