As the saying goes, a stopped clock is right twice a day, and Kathleen Parker appears to be losing her loving feeling for Obama
As this new year commences, two facts emerge: George W. Bush is officially retired as the fault-guy for the nation’s ills, and Barack Obama owns the game.
Whether he wants to or not.
Of course, the problem here, is that Obama actively campaigned for the job after promising he wouldn’t run till after he completed his first term as a Senator. And then failed to take ownership. He’s not Gerald Ford, who became The Man after a strange set of circumstances. But, yes, she is correct in that being almost a year since his Coronation, it’s no longer the Dubya Abbott and Barry Costello Show. Abbott has retired, and we are left with a really unfunny Costello.
The cool detachment that was so attractive when political opponents were trying to rile Obama is suddenly becoming annoying. Preternaturally unflappable, his demeanor in these circumstances borders on inappropriate. Not that we need bombast and flared nostrils. Calm in the face of potential disaster is laudable, but it’s a fine line between executive tranquillity and passive nonchalance.
There’s an easier way to put that: Obama is in way over his head. But, then, we all knew that back in 2007 when he became the front runner for the Democrats. And we have watched him be overwhelmed by the job, much like a newly minted Ensign suddenly being in charge of an aircraft carrier in a war zone.
Meanwhile, what is Barry’s Dem Congress doing for jobs and an attempt to make Barry and the Dems look like they are Doing Something?
Republicans scoff at the “Jobs for Main Street Act” title that House Democrats put on their $174 billion package last month. They refer to it as “son of the stimulus,” the $787 billion economic recovery plan of nearly a year ago that they say was ineffective at producing jobs.
In its last vote of 2009, the House narrowly passed the bill, 217-212, without a single Republican supporter.
Democrats tick off the job prospects from the House bill’s $75 billion in infrastructure and public sector spending: tens of thousands of new construction jobs, 5,500 more police officers, 25,000 additional AmeriCorps members, 250,000 summer jobs for disadvantaged youth, 14,000 part-time jobs for parks and forestry workers.
When even ABC News is exposing the nuttiness of the Dem plan, you know there is an issue. Notice that all are government jobs, some are blue collar, most are short term or part time, and gotta love 25K more positions for Obama’s Brown Shirts.

The silliness of these jobs being created escapes a lot of people
Yes the federal government might create NEW jobs but then we as tax payers have to fund those jobs from now till the end of time….further increasing our spending and our deficits.
If we let them expire…then that just simply means the jobs are gone and those people are ONCE AGAIN unemployed.
The democrats seriously do not get how the economy works. They truly grew up with a pacifier in their mouths till they graduated college believing that money grows on trees and that the Job fairy will make things all better.
Or perhaps the
Welfare Fairy
Tax Fairy
Cash for Clunkers Fairy
Peace in the Mideast Fairy
and last but not least
Bush is Hitler Fairy.
The original, American State’s Rights Party were the 19th century Democrats, from Jefferson to Cleveland (see The Changing Face of Democrats on Amazon and State’s Rights was challenged as a means of retaining and justifying slavery in the South. The proponents of greater federal power, from Hamilton, Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln, were racists. They did not believe the Africans were whole people, and that view was continued by 20th century Democrats who championed segregation. Their interests focused on building the power of the central government and were willing to go to war for it. Look what it has given us today? Slavery would have gone away in time. State’s Rights implied people at the local level could rule themselves, as was the original purpose when government was no further than the governed than one day’s horseback ride. Republicans and modern Democrats believe distant, powerful government rules best, and that has ruined the New World’s difference and ability to provide prosperity to more people. We need State’s Rights back!
Wow. Well at least the first comment had a fair bit of Intelligence to it.
And Intelligent people know Lincoln was Not racist.
I wanted Ford in 76, but we got the jackass that gave us Iran, instead.
Racism or racism perceived aside, Barry O is in it up to his eyeballs. He and his band of commies, thieves, liars and cheats are now ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for anything that occurs from here on out.
But then again, personal responsibility and accountability do not seem to be in their make up. Must be a fairy that prevents that. Or was it being reared to believe that all good things come from a “benevolent” junta.
I was “brought up to be a good good democrat” according to my mother. School teacher, Liberal. I went astray during my Naval Career. I saw the error of my ways by the time Jimmie was the CinC. The last one I voted for was McGovern in 72. I was 18 and didn’t know any better. Two deployments to the Med and Norwegian Sea took care of that.
Oh stop, there’s plenty of Blame Bush left in this little old administration! Parker is hoping for her hero to grow up I am sure, but I have faith that Obama is still wet enough behind the ears, immature, and fully capable of having many more “I didn’t make this mess, but you Republicans get out of my way and I will clean it up” tantrums!
I bet we hear “It was Bush’s fault” clear up to the elections of 2012!