Thinking Warm Thoughts (12 Images)

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3 Responses to “Thinking Warm Thoughts (12 Images)”

  1. And here I am in the High Desert in the Winter. I do have sand,,,,,,,,,,and Joshua Trees and the Desert Tortoise. But no beaches, soft tropical breezes and gorgeous young ladies in minimal bathing suits. Bummer, Teach. Bummer.
    As always you do tend to brighten a winter Sunday, very well, indeed.

  2. vegofish says:

    mmm mmm mmmm

  3. Maggie Mama says:

    Great pics!

    Drudge has headline “Artic Freeze.” The Mid-Atlantic has temps colder than Maine and Northern Florida is expecting the Artic Freeze to hit their orange orchards without regard for the drivel we are being fed.

    Question: Why is it still called an “Artic Freeze” when Algore has told us the Artic is disappearing?

    Oh, and why has it decided to “move in” with me? ? ? ?

Pirate's Cove