I’m waiting for the Typical Liberal “Blame The Right” Fest to start (BBC, which also has video)
The US Secret Service says it is investigating after an effigy of Barack Obama was found hanging in the home town of former President Jimmy Carter.
TV footage showed the doll hanging by a noose in front of a red, white and blue sign that reads “Plains, Georgia. Home of Jimmy Carter, our 39th President”.
Witnesses said the effigy had President Obama’s name on it.
Who could have done it? Certainly, there are folks on the Right who could. People on the way way way far right, who share few to no values with American Conservatives/Republicans. Of course, it could also have been done by people on the Left, who are upset with Obama, and also like to pull these kinds of stunts. We shall have to wait and see.
Excitable Alan Colmes is being coy, and just mentioning the story. It’s no wonder after he and so many of the Excitable Left hoist on their petards after their blame storm over the census worker death earlier in the year. Of course, a few of his commenters go with typical anti-South hatred. Raw Story is sitting on their blame. The Democratic Underground, however, is going on a tear.
The Astute Blogger points out that they are making a federal case of it, but, it occurred with Bush all the time.
Oh, hey, interesting. Sumter County, where Plains, Georgia is located, went Obama 52.7% to 46.7% McCain.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

This is not new.
Where was the moral outrage when there were effigies of GW and then later of Sarah Palin, all over the place?
I say f’em.
If some right wing or left wing or plain old middle of the road wingnut wants to put up an effigy of this president, the last president or any new one to come, it should all be taken with a grain of salt.
And I can’t think of any better home town to find this in, than that of Jimmah Cahter!
Well, jimmy-boy is a Southern racist Democrat. They worked very hard to keep black people down for decades, and I am sure it still rankles them that Republicans out-voted them on the Civil Rights Bill in 1964.
Bingo, Kevin!
Oh, come on, Trish. You know that Palin probably deserved it, and it was just an expression over something or other that the left was losing their collective minds over, or something like that ;)
But, in their warped minds, Otter, every Democrat voted for the CRB, and Republicans were against it. Kinda the same way they ignore Robert Byrd’s past.
Hahahah, Teach!
I understand that the US Secret Service is investigating it- but did not when the Palin ones, and Bush effigies were even BURNing in the streets!
Liberals and hypocrisy, hm, I believe the two words will soon mean one and the same!
Hypocrisy in a Thesarus:
Double Standards
If Dems didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.