I wonder what the climate alarmist talking points will be about this
Friday’s forecast low at McMurdo Station in Antarctica, near where Robert Scott launched his fatal expedition to the South Pole in 1911, is 21 degrees.
It will probably be colder in Houston.
Forecasters say Houston should see its coldest weather in more than a decade later this week, with area low temperatures likely to dip into the upper teens in inland areas, and upper 20s along the coast.
The last time the city’s temperature fell below 20 degrees was Jan. 8, 1996, when the low was 19 degrees.
The deep chill should begin Thursday morning with the arrival of a very strong Arctic front.
Once temperatures fall below freezing Thursday, say forecasters with the National Weather Service, they may not rise above freezing until Saturday for areas near and north of a line from Brenham to The Woodlands.
Brrrrrrrr! Where’s that global warming when you need it?
The chilly weather follows a December that was 3.5 degrees below normal and just missed being one of the city’s 10 coldest Decembers ever.
Oh, wait, that’s just weather. Wait, what’s that you’re saying? Long term weather creates what is called “climate?” Hmph. How about that?
Meanwhile, Fargo broke a low temp record. Set in 1885. The snow in Korea is the heaviest since record keeping began in 1937. Vermont set a record for snowfall in one storm. Al Gore must be traveling around the world.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

Typically here in Dallas, we get about two weeks of below freezing temps in the winter, then the rest is mostly in the mid forties. We’ll get one snow that sticks for a day or two, and a couple of flurries that’s mostly just for show.
This is the first year my wife, a Texas native, has seen snow that actually stuck on Christmas. This is only the third White Christmas I’ve had in the almost forty years I’ve been mucking around. So far, this is the coldest winter I’ve had since I moved to Texas 12 years ago, after one of the mildest summers. I just got through scraping frost off my windshield to take my son to school. We’re expecting highs in the 20’s and lows in the teens at the end of the week.
Global warming, my ass.
We had been pretty mild here in Raleigh for a few years, but, this year, and this winter, yikes! I know what you mean about frost. My townhouse faces almost exactly east-west, and, I am near the Neuse River, so, I often get this very thing film of frost that is impossible to get off.
Humorously, one of the comments at the Houston Chronicle was someone asking how he protects his pipes. Not something one would have to do there that often.
You stay safe, TFMo.
Yes, it might be colder here in the Northern Hemisphere than in Antartica now, but right now it’s summer there …
True, it is summer, but, it is still Antarctica vs. Houston, Tx.
You too, Teach!
Yeah, Texans don’t really know what to do when it’s cold. If it’s not clear skies and over 90 degrees, these folks are utterly lost. It’d be funnier if I wasn’t stuck on the road with them.