You have to love the way they headline each list, in order to avoid pissing off the ObamaNuts. They do seem to give him a solid B+, though. The list
The Five Things Obama Is Doing Better than You Realize
- Letting the Co-Equal Branch Do the Heavy Lifting (In other words, he abdicated all responsibility to Congress for legislation, but, Time can’t find it in themselves to explain that this is because Obama has no idea what he is doing and doesn’t have the time, what with all the partying, jet-setting, and fundraising)
- Handling Challenging Foreign Policy Issues (Seriously? Doing better than we think? He has managed to tick off allies since day one, pandered to enemies who turn around and treat him like a $10 whore, and is dismissed as a joke on the world stage)
- Steering Clear of Scandal (Van Jones? Bill Richardson? All the tax cheats? Dropping of the New Black Panthers case? Among others? Of course, since Time, along with most of the State Run Media, ignored all those……)
- Keeping His Focus on a Long-Term Strategy (True, that. He is keeping his eye on turning this country into The United Socialist States of America, and damned if he cares about losing Congress and in 2012)
- Taking Unilateral Action (Wait, during Bush’s two terms, unilateralism, both domestic and in foreign policy, was bad)
The Five Things Obama Is Doing Worse than You Think
- Managing His Public Image (Surprisingly, Time does a good job of explaining that he is doing worse than one would actually think. Expect a nasty phone call from Axelrod)
- Driving the Policy Process (Well, he can’t be worse than I thought, because my expectations were so darned low for a guy who never ran anything in his life)
- Wooing Official Washington (Most of the Washington insiders, whether elected or un-elected, understand that Obama is an upstart who was elected on personality, and will be gone well before they are)
- Changing the Tone in Washington (I never thought he would keep that promise, but, I didn’t realize he would make Washington so much more partisan than it ever was to the degree he has done it)
- Creating Stars (No, no, he has created stars, in the same way reality TV makes people who are idiots into stars for being idiots)
Funny stuff, funny stuff. I especially love the way Time tends to blame the Republicans, you know, the minority party, for quite a bit of Obama’s failings.

You left out Obama’s cross-dressing, pardoning the Jihad Turkey, sacrificing Van Jones to Cthulhu, and of course, overuse of the Pity Kitty!