OK, that is not exactly what he said, but, if we apply Politicianonics to it, that is what he means
There is talk about opening up the House and Senate negotiations on the health care proposal to public hearings. C-SPAN is pushing to broadcast those conferences over its network. Not all legislators like the idea.
North Carolina Congressman David Price said it might be a matter of some of the hearings being made public, but not all of them. “The question may be how much of this conference is out in public with actual voting and debating and how much of it is worked out informally. Most conferences have some of both,” said Price.
Price said sometimes much more can be accomplished in negotiations away from the glaring spotlight of the public arena. Still Price made it clear that he has no problem with them appearing on C-SPAN. Price did say that sometimes political grandstanding can come with public hearings.
Right. Because it is easier to pass this OBAMination of a health system bill without allowing that pesky democracy stuff see the light of day. So much for the most ethical and transparent administration and Congress ever!
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

Before we all starting celebrating the end of Chris Dodd and Bernie Dorgan, you might want to skip over to JBYP.
[…] David Price (D-NC): Passing ObamaCare Easier If We Restrict You … […]
Amen. And F’em. Every last one of these lying conniving thugs can go to hades. I pray that they will be de-elected 2010, or the next cycle their up in.
Hell of a good point, TFMo, re the Dems retiring.
The problem with getting rid of these nutball Dems is that at a national level, they are despised. But, at the local level, too many folks say “the other folks suck, my Rep/Senator is great.” Especially with the House critters.