Must be a slow news day if the L.A. Times has to feature a major league whiner like Chucky Johnson whining away. Of course, he is pulling his normal “why I left the Right” whinathon, not that he was ever actually on the right. I hate to give him blog-time, but, this just shows how much of a big baby, how thin skinned, and what a jackhole he actually is
In Johnson’s mind, he has not really changed but merely shifted his focus. Where once he was preoccupied with national security, staking out a hawkish, pro-military position, he now spends more time focusing on his liberal social views, and gripes with conservatives who disagree. “I like to think,” he told me this week, “I am pretty independent of [the] political winds.”
He started spending most of his time focusing on Christian religion hatred and progressive idiocy, yes, we know. The topper was when he removed the moonbat protecting the jihadi.
The man who once decried vitriol spread on liberal websites now says: “The kinds of hate mail and the kinds of attacks I am getting from the right wing are way beyond anything I got when I was criticizing the left or even radical Islam.”
In other words, he doesn’t like those on the Right calling him on his BS. Too bad the LA Times didn’t bother to mention the constant bannings, which go as far as actually banning access to certain IPs. But, ready for the seriously deranged?
But not totally immune. As I talked to Johnson in his office, an alert flashed on one of his two giant computer monitors. An angry screed targeting him on another website concluded: “I think a visit to Mr. Johnson’s home might be warranted. Anybody got his address?”
“On another website.” This wacko is, officially, monitoring the freakin’ Interwebz for any mention of him. Dude! Go outside, take a walk, something. You are a wee bit obsessed. But, don’t worry, he is going to criticize the Obama admin when warranted. Which, is apparently, ever, since he has yet to do it, almost a year into the era of Winnie The Pooh diplomacy.
More: R.S. McCain gets his $100 in
Hey, James: Why didn’t you ask Charles about his vicious attacks on Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and other anti-jihad bloggers? Better yet, James, why not ask Pamela and Robert themselves? They’re not nearly as reclusive as the paranoid agoraphobic wanker you managed to interview in person.
All-in-all the article isn’t all that kind to Chuckles (definitely not what he expected, I’m sure he thought they would slobber over him because they are now ideologically aligned), they highlight his tanking site stats, his extreme paranoia and even a cheap-shot at his looks….
Jammie Wearing Fool has more.

Chucky’s paranoid
“The kinds of hate mail and the kinds of attacks I am getting from the right wing are way beyond anything I got when I was criticizing the left or even radical Islam.â€
I find that very difficult to believe, especially considering the source. Who on the right sends death threats like jihadis do, or lefties do to Michelle Malkin types?
The dude is wacky nuts paranoid, and, in his mind, hate mail is that which refutes his talking points in an adult manner.
[…] doesn’t actually get the link, Basil’s Blog does, though, Chucky will probably have a red flag come up on his computer watch program) Environmentalist Peter Sinclair’s new video is about the “Oregon […]