Form what I hear, folks in Florida are having trouble Tweeting, as their fingers are too cold. What you up to, Janet?
Residents across Central Florida reported seeing snow and ice falling as a wintry mix of precipitation early Saturday.
“Most of the snow this morning has been confined to Marion County, northwestern Flagler and northwestern Lake counties and extreme western Volusia County,” WESH 2 News chief meteorologist Tony Mainolfi said.
Viewers in Flagler and Marion counties reported seeing snow flurries just after 5 a.m. Another viewer in Brevard County reported flurries along the beach at Cape Canaveral. Ice reports were also received from Volusia, Orange and Osceola counties.
Volusia County? Yeah, that’s where Daytona Beach is. I’m sure this is somehow related to Mankind’s release of greenhouse gasses, or something like that.

Here’s a question for BSr or realsick: IF global warming is responsible for this massive winter we are having, why then did the UK Met and other global-warming entities not even begin to see it in their forecasts?