For years, Britain has allowed an ever growing population of Muslims, including illegals, who tend to gravitate to radical Islam. Britain has tolerated these radical Muslims, has tolerated those who believe in jihad, terrorism, a worldwide caliphate, and so on. Maybe they are catching a clue that tolerance is not always a good thing
The Islamist group Islam4UK, which planned a march through Wootton Bassett, and its “parent” organisation, al-Muhajiroun, are to be banned under new legislation outlawing the “glorification” of terrorism.
The home secretary, Alan Johnson, is expected to sign off a parliamentary order later this week proposing the ban, based on months of monitoring the output of websites and comments by senior figures.
The decision to proscribe the two organisations, which will have to be endorsed by parliament, will make it a criminal offence punishable by a prison term of up to 10 years to be a member of either organisation, or to attend or address their meetings. Al-Muhajiroun was founded by Omar Bakri Muhammad and Anjem Choudary, and has been operating in Britain since the mid-1980s.
The group became notorious for praising the September 11 attacks in 2001. Bakri was banned from Britain by the former home secretary Charles Clarke in August 2005, on the grounds that his presence in the country was “not conducive to the public good”.
It’s about time. Too often, multiculturalism and diversity get in the way of common sense, which dictates that groups that extol violence, murder, and subjugation be eliminated. Which is what needs to happen here in the United States.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU