From the latest Quinnipiac poll
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling:
- The Economy: 41% approve, 54% disapprove, 6% squishy
- Foreign Policy: 45% approve, 46% disapprove, 9% squishy
- Afghanistan: even at 45%, 10% squishy
- Health Care: 35% approve, 58% disapprove, 6% squishy
- Creating Jobs: 34% approve, 59% disapprove, 7% squishy
Those last two, his signature pieces, have got to hurt. Same with the economy.
“Do you think Barack Obama’s first year as president has been mainly a success or mainly a failure?”
Even at 45% success/failure, with 10% squishy. Obviously, Dems give him loving remarks, like a Mom still loves her axe murderer son, and Republicans give him low grades, but, with Independents, we get 40% success, 47% failure, 14% squishy.
“Would you say that Barack Obama shares your views on issues that you care about or not?”
- 46% yes, 50% no, 4% squishy
Also, 53% feel he is being irresponsible with his spending. Shocker, eh?
BTW, most people think Congress is sucking wind, too.

Who are these 46% who think he shares their views? There are still too many people out there who haven’t figured him out.
ACORN, SEIU, shut-ins, children, the clinically insane, and criminals, Deb.
Pretty much most of the folks on the left. I still love that video of Obama voters being interviewed on election day, and know jack squat about Obama and Biden.
Lousy, worthless, no good, piece of commie crap who couldn’t pour piss from a boot with the directions on the heel. Is there anything to describe worse than fail, or even epic fail?
Just wondering, that is all.
Hah! Piss from a boot…I gotta remember that one!
Something worse than Obama failing?