Interestingly, he never had an issue when the Democrats were the obstructionist party during the 6 years in the House and 4 in the Senate when they were the minority party, blocking as much as they could. Now, though, The Last Real Conservative left in the entire universe has an issue
The blame for the delay lies fundamentally with a GOP that is still intent on putting power before country, and decided the day Obama took office that he was such a threat to their beleaguered brand that they would oppose everything he proposed, demonize him as much as possible, forgo any cooperation, and then try to blame him for the recession, the wars, the unemployment, and the debt he inherited … while never actually proposing any serious alternative on any of them.
Man, that crack pipe must be awesome. Those of us who live in Reality Land© understand that the GOP has offered up tons and tons of alternatives in the health care debate, in spending, and, we see that the debt started exploding when Democrats took control of both arms of Congress, then went Big Bang when Obama, Sullivan’s love crush, took office. But, hey, Andy, don’t mention the massive number of times the Dems put party before country in attempting to lose in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in the War on Terrorism in general.
It is a nihilist, populist, primal scream.
Wait, I though populism was a great thing, as all the ObamaNuts told us, and how Dems push for Direct Democracy?
And if the Massachusetts result is interpreted as a vindication of that strategy, we will have thrown away a very rare constructive moment for targeted government action to tackle the deep problems – healthcare access and cost, too much reliance on carbon energy, an empire bogged down in two quagmires, a debt that will soon threaten this country’s currency – in favor of news cycle, tactical Rovian bullshit.
No, we will have thrown away a chance to implement a far left, big government, nanny state health bill, which, according to the polls and outcry, people do not want it. If it was so damned popular, Andy, then why are the Dems crafting it in secret, limiting debate, bribing Congress critters, and refusing to make the legislation fully public? As for the rest, it is Democrats who actually end up blocking the implementation of alternative energy sources, Obama has escalated Afghanistan, is not pulling out of Iraq like he said he would, and the debt is mostly on Democrat shoulders.
The Dems have been incompetent and petty; the Republicans have been nihilist. The dawdling of the last few weeks is unforgivable.
Come one, Andy, call out Dems for being obstructionist themselves. I dare you.
The last time I urged a vote for someone I found as dreadful as a candidate as Coakley was John Kerry. Because the alternative was so much worse.
Hmm, let me think……yes, that would be putting power (and Party) ahead of country. Didn’t you complain about that very thing earlier in your screed?