After we have seen the way Democrats act at funerals, such as Ted Kennedy’s (using kids as human shields to push ObamaCare), Coretta Scott Kings (whining about Bush and Katrina), and, of course, Paul Wellstone’s, why should we expect them to behave any better during a Prayer Breakfast for Martin Luther King, Jr.?
What did she say? (via Gateway Pundit)
“Dr. King would be standing with me if he was alive today.â€
Scott Brown responded
“I thought it was inappropriate to be politicking when we are trying to honor Martin Luther King today. I don’t have any comments on what it says about her. Right now I am not going to comment on anything political right now, we’re going to start campaigning in about a half hour… I certainly didn’t realize that this was a rally for Martha and I thought it was inappropriate that she was starting to ask for other people’s votes when we were trying to remember Martin Luther King Jr. …I don’t remember hearing anything about Martin Luther King except for minor references. “
Hey, come on, Scott, don’t you know that Democrats are entitled to use solemn occasions to push their Left wing agenda? Sheesh!
Meanwhile, Coakley is in freefall. Funny how the polls got even worse after Obama started propping her up.

Wow. Coakley really is just the stereotypical Dem, isn’t she?
Supports horrible legislation? Check.
History of stupid, self-serving decisions? Check.
Dependent on fat cats? Check.
Crappy campaign? Check.
Unethical campaigning? Check.
Blatant lying? Check.
Using a death to further her agenda? Check.
Fellating her footwear? Check.
Everyone sick of it? CHECK.
And speaking of King, Obama had a few words to say today….
She is pretty bad. I was going to photosphop her as a clown, but, alas, I did this post during lunchtime, and I didn’t have my program on my new corporate laptop. I gotta find out where the disks got moved too. Sigh.