Watching the returns, with 66% of the vote in, Brown leads Coakley 53% to 46%. Keep you fingers crossed!
Let the Dem cheating begin! Coakley tried to pull some shenanigans earlier, claiming there were ballots pre-marked for Brown. The Mass. Sec of State says “nice try, Coakley campaign, but, nope!
Quick update: Carl Cameron from Fox News is reporting that Coakley called Brown to concede! Wow!!!!!!!!!! (how long till she un-concedes and wants recounts and claims fraud and stuff? Am I being uncharitable?)

Not uncharitable. Just realistic. Expect un-concedes, re-concedes, post-concedes, voter fraud, intimidation, and more dirty tricks than a Times Square prostitute.
Stupid 403 errors….
Let’s hope we’re wrong.
If Dreamhost can’t fix some backend software that is causing the 403’s, which seem to happen periodically for about 1 minute, they are moving me to a new server tomorrow. They just moved me to a new one last week.
Nice variation on the Charlie Brown classic!