Happy Sunday! Another great day in America, which happens to coincide with the 75th anniversary of canned beer! Yeah!
This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in ye olde blogosphere? The fine 15
- Patterico has done the big work in gathering all the evidence about “Ellie Light” and her pro-Obama sock puppet campaign
- Oh, good, the neverending campaign will be expanded. The Lonely Conservative explains
- Bin Laden (wasn’t Obama going to make it a priority to get him?) crawls out of his rock to make a proclamation. Head to The Jawa Report for the 411
- Woops! Jammie Wearing Fool notices that Obama has been called to jury duty
- I wonder if the female suicide bombers will be Mirandaized if they reach our shores? Blogmocracy has the story
- Just Because You’re Paranoid has the Ellie Light Sunday funnies
- Speaking of Sunday funnies, Wordsmith at Flopping Aces rounds up the week’s best editorial cartoons
- Andrew Bolt writes about the failure of Barack Obama
- Nice Deb reaches into the horror film collection, and pulls out “It’s Alive”
- This ain’t Hell…. points to a landmark piece of legislation submitted to make the government do its job
- I’m not sure what Cassandra’s post is about, because I cannot get the picture of Obama with the Village People out of my mind
- Accusing the US of creating the Haiti earthquake isn’t just for very old actors anymore. Scared Monkeys has the details
- Blogs For Victory has an example of applied liberalism
- Cassy Fiano exposes the “Martha Coakley lost because she’s a girl” meme, and beats it silly
- And last, but not least, Blue Crab Boulevard discusses the 75th anniversary of canned beer!
- Double last. Couldn’t not link Dan Collins using H.R. Puffinstuff in a post about ObamaCare
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out
- Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain. Also, hot chicks with big fish!
- Rule 5 Dude Looks Like A Lady and Weekend Linkfest at Nation Of Cowards (obviously, the photos are slightly unsafe for work)
- Weekend Link Love: Toby Keith Edition at All American Blogger
- Saturday Linkaround at The Blog Prof
- Charisma Carpenter Does It For The Children at The Classic Liberal
- Cavalcade of Links-Snark Infested Waters Edition at No Sheeples Here
- The Daley Gator has Rule 5 Sunday
- Not a linkfest, but, the Troglopundit discusses Ask Men’s top 99 most desirable women of 2010 list
- Camp Of Saints goes old school with some Mamie Van Doren hotness.
Anyone else have a link or hotty fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list.