If it’s yet another day ending with a “y,” it must be another day that Obama is planning on hosing private business
President Barack Obama, criticized by campaign finance reform advocates for not living up to his repeated pledges to reduce the role of special interests in elections, plans an aggressive push-back to last week’s Supreme Court decision overturning restrictions on political spending by corporations, unions and other organizations.
POLITICO has learned that the White House is in talks with congressional offices about efforts to require shareholders to vote before a corporation could spend money in elections, require companies that pay for ads supporting or opposing candidates to more clearly identify themselves in the ads, restrict the ability of companies with big government contracts to air such ads and tighten rules prohibiting outside groups from coordinating their ads with candidates.
All in all, this is just more yap yap, because Democrats get just as much money, if not more, from big companies, as Republicans do. Say, Obama, do the names Goldman Sachs $994,795, Microsoft Corp $833,617, Google Inc $803,436, Citigroup Inc $701,290, JPMorgan Chase & Co $695,132, Time Warner $590,084, Sidley Austin LLP $588,598, Stanford University $586,557, National Amusements Inc $551,683, UBS AG $543,219, Wilmerhale Llp $542,618, Skadden, Arps et al $530,839, IBM Corp $528,822, Columbia University $528,302, Morgan Stanley $514,881, General Electric $499,130, and Latham & Watkins $493,835 mean anything to you? Because those would be the top contributors (their PACs, of course) and the money they donated for your 2008 run.
Will you require union leadership and similar donors to have the same requirements? Why does the word “no” come to mind?
Meanwhile, before you start slamming companies around, perhaps you should look at what you are doing yourself, President Chump.
You may not like the 1st Amendment Right of private companies to donate, Obama, heck, I do not like their monetary influence, but, you can’t pick and choose the parts of the Constitution you will adhere to.