Think again. Heck, most of Congress, including Pelosi, as well as Sheriff Joe, though Obama was telling a joke. Listen to them laugh when Barry mentions cap and tax idiocy

Think again. Heck, most of Congress, including Pelosi, as well as Sheriff Joe, though Obama was telling a joke. Listen to them laugh when Barry mentions cap and tax idiocy
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I don’t think they were laughing at Obama. There were laughing at those of us who don’t buy the man-made global warming. Kind of the way you’d laugh at someone who insists that 1+1 does not equal 2.
Obama is a joke. The sad part is that no one will ever tell him that they were laughing at him, not with him.
You could be right, TexasAg. I was also thinking many were laughing because Obama had the temerity to bring the subject up after mostly ignoring the prime issue, the economy.
If they told him that, Wyatt, they would probably end up Obama’s long enemies list, and then he might campaign for them :)
I think the chuckles came because no sooner did he promise to start with nuclear energy, off-shore drilling, and clean coal, he said he was jumping back into Cap and Trade, a policy which would pretty well exclude those things. I think the chuckles were because the people realized “Ah, yep. He’s bullshitting us again.”
“Ah, yep. He’s bullshitting us again.â€
“Again” implies that he ceased and restarted.
That would be inaccurate.
He has never stopped
There is Awesome.
There is even Be-Awesome.
This isn’t either one, but it’s a pretty good way to get a chuckle while you’re looking for the better stuff.
Lil’ O-Bama!
Starting a brand new miniseries at JBYP!