drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “This is the dude that the Left has representing them in their battle against Trump and Musk. This is Lucy…” Mar 15, 15:27
Jl on Bummer: Second Columbia Hamas Supporter Arrested: “Oh, my-what “voter rights” are being restricted? What Social Security, Medicare/Medicade is being cut? I haven’t seen any taxes cut…” Mar 15, 15:23
Elwood P Dowd on AG Bondi To Go After Those Torching Teslas: “LOL. How’s that strategy working for you, Dildo Daggins, you little pussy? LOL. Maybe you should add the home addresses…” Mar 15, 14:34
Elwood P Dowd on AG Bondi To Go After Those Torching Teslas: “Teslers stock price was WAY, WAY overpriced based on the actual performance of the company. It was propped up by…” Mar 15, 14:25
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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