George W. Bush may not have been the perfect Conservative….let’s face it, he was more in line domestically with moderate Democrats….but, after watching the deficit balloon, spending increase beyond all belief, having a Congress and President who pay absolutely no attention to what The People actually want, and a president who spent years campaigning for a job but is only capable of blaming others, instead of actually leading, yeah, we miss him
Internet chatter had led to speculation that it might be an urban myth — nothing more than clever digital trickery spreading via the Web.
But our friend Bob Collins at Minnesota Public Radio assures us he’s seen it with his own eyes:
There is a billboard along I-35 near Wyoming, Minn., with a huge photo of former president George W. Bush and this question: “Miss Me Yet?”
Now, the push is on to find out who paid to have it put up.
More: Nice Deb points out that there has been a sighting of another one!
Michelle Malkin is being a wet blanket about this, but, hey, it was kind of what I eluded to in the beginning of the post.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

“Now, the push is on to find out who paid to have it put up.”
My question is why does it matter who put it up? I assume so that person, or group can be torn to shreds by the left.
Oh, most definitely. You know they love to personally assault people engaged in that pesky Free Speech stuff.