Found via those wonderful insaniacs over at the Democratic Underground, it appears as if many are up in arms over the mean old US of A torturing a British citizen. What did we do? The rack? Stress positions? Pulling out fingernails? Obviously, from the headline, it just gets silly
As Bill Egnor has reported (and Jim White mentioned here) a court in the UK has forced the government to release a passage of an earlier court ruling that it had fought to suppress. Assuming the passage has been released in complete form, the key passage concludes that the sleep deprivation that Americans subjected Binyam Mohamed to while held incommunicado in Pakistan was “at the very least cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the United States authorities.â€
Now, this revelation is critical not just because it shows British Courts concluding that, at the very least, the United States violated the Convention Against Torture. As Jim White notes in his diary on this, the US is now obligated by the Convention Against Torture to investigate this act.
Now, when I claim that it is torture having to listen to Obama stammer and stutter on when he is without his security teleprompter, watch Nancy Pelosi bounce up and down while clapping like a trained seal, or be exposed to one of Joe’s Bidenisms, of course, I am just being silly and wacky. Were I an actually insaneocrat, ie, liberal, I would mean it, much in the same way these unhinged tools believe that sleep deprivation done to a little darling who happened to travel to Afghanistan in June 2001, admitted to training in a terrorist camp (of course, his supporters say he was there to get over a drug addiction and tour Muslim countries, because Afghanistan is a great place to get away from drugs and there are no other Muslim countries with historical religious scenery elsewhere), and was then caught attempting to fly out of Pakistan with a fake passport.
But, again, sleep deprivation? Literally, yawn. I’m sure extremist Muslims around the world get a good chuckle out of how lilly livered and squeamish the left around the world is. By all means, let’s investigate, so we can expose lefties as the weak kneed terrorist lovers they really are.

I can’t believe that you are belittling sleep deprivation, you heartless conservative! One time a few years ago I had to get up at 4:30AM to catch a flight. I was slightly sleepy the whole day. It was terrible.
All in all, I’d equate it to having my head or some other body part chopped off by a jihadi. Sleepy vs. missing body parts – is there really a difference between the two?
I know what you mean. I had to get up at 530 the other day when I usually get up at 7 or 8, by 4pm, I thought I was going to die!
I’m an insomniac. If I sleep 10 hours total in a WEEK, it’s cause for celebration.
Terrorists are wussies.
Hey, I went to bed @ 1AM and woke @ 5….
Am I being oppresed?
It’s the violence inherent in the system, TC!
I’m too sleepy to comment!