I was going to use the CNN article I ran across last night, based on the Friday night doc dump, but, hey, let’s go with the Washington Post one linked through Memeorandum, since there are plenty of links to lefties in their typical unhinged modes (there is also a NY Times and NPR article cited)
Bush administration lawyers who wrote memos that paved the way for waterboarding of terrorism suspects and other harsh interrogation tactics “exercised poor judgment” but will not face discipline for their actions, according to long-awaited Justice Department documents released Friday.
The decision represents the end of a five-year internal battle and flatly rejects recommendations by the department’s ethics investigators. They had twice urged that allegations against John C. Yoo and Jay S. Bybee be sent to state disciplinary authorities for further action, including the possible revocation of their licenses to practice law.
So, reality has come and bit the liberal terrorist supporters in the posterior once again. Of course, those who complain about waterboard – and loud music, sleep deprivation, etc – will say it is about some high minded ideals, we don’t want to sink to the level of the terrorists, we’re better than that, etc, but, we all know it is about support of the terrorists. Because we aren’t even close to sinking to the level of Islamic extremists. If we ever saw a living persons head off and record it for broadcast, I might start listening to these pusillanimous wankers.
But, it’s no wonder the Obama DOJ dumped the story late Friday
- Firedoglake: This is essentially getting away with murder, or if you like, torture.
- Unbossed: It’s a tour de force of seeing-no-evil.
- Raw Story points out that Excitable John Conyers, not exactly a paragon of professional behavior, will hold hearings in an actual official room, rather than his typical basement playset one.
- Balkanization: Whether or not the DOJ refers Yoo and Bybee for professional discipline, no one should think that either man behaved according to the high standards we should expect of government attorneys. They, and the government officials who worked with them, shamed this nation. They dragged America’s reputation in the dirt. They severely damaged our good name in the eyes of the world. They undermined the values this country stands for and that the legal profession should stand for. Nothing the DOJ does now–or fails to do–will change that.
- Taylor Marsh simply calls her post “Tortured America.” Which is funny because it was foreign extremist Muslims who were made uncomfortable. Not sure if we used the comfy chair and soft pillows.
Then, of course, you also have the unhinged comments at those sites, along with the comments at Talk Left, The Huffington Post, and others, but, no post up at the DU as of yet. Give them time.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

awesome use of the word “wanker”. Americans don’t use that word near enough.
I’ll try to work it in more. Moonbats and unhinged are getting a little blase’.