Of course, this does beg the question “what actual space program is NASA talking about?”, since the Obama mega-budget is doing away with most space related mission, and NASA is planning on paying commercial vendors to take them to space, as we have no replacement for the space shuttles (not Obama’s fault), have none in the works which would be deployable, are down to the last few missions, and the mission seems to be changing to be more about globull warming hysteria. Anyhow
NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries†as the White House pushes the space agency to become a tool of international diplomacy.
“In addition to the nations that most of you usually hear about when you think about the International Space Station, we now have expanded our efforts to reach out to non-traditional partners,†said Bolden, speaking to a lecture hall of young engineering students.
Specifically, he talked about connecting with countries that do not have an established space program and helping them conduct science missions. He mentioned new opportunities with Indonesia, including an educational program that examines global climate change.
Right. Good move. Let’s reach out to countries that often tend to live in the 15th Century, and whose view of science is how to better use the technology that Western countries create in order to kill Westerners.
I mean, think about it. Iran has been attempting to build nuclear weapons since 1979, and still haven’t done it, even with all the technology that they could certainly purchase on the black market. The United States, once we put our minds to it, took a small project that had been sitting around since 1939, and, in three years, developed, built, and exploded not one, but two nuclear weapons. Muslim countries would be lucky to create a better yo yo.

Now, now. I can see all kinds of benefits from adding certain Muslims to our space program.
For example, the first international mission to the moon.
Yes, Obama has canceled Bush’s lunar mission plans, but like other things he didn’t think through (GTMO, anyone?), he’ll backtrack and we’ll have a moon mission after all.
Plus, if they omit little things that aren’t really needed, there’d be lots more room and they could send lots more Muslims to the moon.
What kind of “little things that aren’t really needed?” Just little thing. Like apace suits. Heat shields. Food. Fuel to get back. Things like that.
Good point. Perhaps one of the nuclear powered flights could “fail” and land in Iran.
[…] of the fedora to William Teach, over at The Pirate’s Cove, who offers this spot-on comment: Right. Good move. Let’s reach out to countries that often tend to live in the 15th Century, and […]
Hey, look on the bright side – maybe they’ll take Mullah Omar for a little ride…
Space Truckin’ Jihad?…
Barry won’t send an American back to the moon. His 2010 budget defunds the Constellation Program. But that doesn’t mean NASA is out of a job. They’re gonna teach jihadis how to build rockets! Barry wants NASA to “reach out” to Muslim countries.