What does it say about the plans and ideas of the Democrats on health care when an this issue has been going on for almost a year, and they still do not have one stable piece of legislation?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday President Obama will soon propose a health care bill that will be “much smaller” than the House bill but “big enough” to put the country on a “path” toward health care reform.
A senior administration official told Fox Obama’s proposal will be introduced Wednesday.
“In a matter of days, we will have a proposal,” Pelosi said, pointing to Obama’s forthcoming bill. “It will be a much smaller proposal than we had in the House bill, because that’s where we can gain consensus. But it will be big enough to put us on a path of affordable, quality health care for all Americans that holds insurance companies accountable.”
Tom Maguire wants to kick his inner paranoia and think this could be a dodge to get the Senate bill passed later, but, I’m going to have to go with the explanation that this is exactly what happens when someone with no executive experience who is incredibly partisan and incredibly to the the left is put in charge and tries to ram through something that is incredibly unpopular: at this point, Obama is just throwing warm and wet donkey fritters at the wall while flailing around wondering why his approval ratings are tanking.
Say, when are we going to get around to the economy as priority one, Barry?
More: Ace is leaning towards the Trojan Horse scenario, as well. I still have to go with the “Obama’s lost in his bathroom” scenario, though.