I can just imagine the shocked and snooty looking faces at the LA Times and among liberals when they read this story, a bit of a follow up to what I posted the other day
Justices signal they’re ready to make gun ownership a national right
Liberals: “WTF? Can they do that? Does it actually say that in the Constitution? I don’t remember seeing it. I know it says religion sucks and abortions should be funded by the Federal government, but, nothing about actual gun ownership.”
Most of the Supreme Court justices who two years ago said the 2nd Amendment protects individual gun rights signaled during arguments Tuesday that they are ready to extend this right nationwide and to use it to strike down some state and local gun regulations.
The amazing part is that the SCOTUS actually needs to extend what appears in actual print in one of our two most important documents to the entire country, as it was originally meant to be (Declaration of Independence is the other. I’m sure those on the Right instinctively knew this, but, liberals, not so much) .
The case forced the high court to confront a simple question it had never answered: Did the 2nd Amendment limit only the federal government’s ability to regulate guns and state militias, or did it also give citizens a right to challenge state and local restrictions on guns?
All signs Tuesday were that five justices saw the right to “bear arms” as national in scope and not limited to laws passed in Washington.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t apply to the entire country, but, we will wait and see.

[…] also noticed that Dr. Zero has a rather personal story on the matter. I also saw a fun story from Pirates Cove on the press reaction that I also saw. I was planning to make a short comment yesterday, but I […]