Our deluded, narcissistic, neophyte president truly lives in a world of his own, one which used to get a person thrown in a mental home, or at least heavy medication
President Barack Obama opened the final act of a year-long drama over health-care legislation Wednesday, calling on Democrats in Congress to approve the sweeping bill despite political risks and Republican opposition.
The president vowed to rally Americans and wavering lawmakers alike. White House aides said a pair of trips next week will be followed by a stream of public and private lobbying. The White House wants final votes by month’s end.
The health system legislative boondoggle has been going on for almost a year, yet, what has he done to rally Americans? His cult of personality mentality may have worked well during the campaign, but governance is a hell of a lot different. The latest Rasmussen poll has people against this travesty of a bill 52-44%. Only 25% of the people see the country as being on the right track. 41% strongly disapprove of Obama, and only 25% strongly approve. An Ipos/McClatchy poll shows that 54% oppose overall, think the legislation is going to far.
Meanwhile, Dan Riehl goes nuclear on Obama. And rightly so.

He’s a narcissistic bore.
How many campaign speeches on healthcare has he made since taking office? A zillion, or perhaps more.
He can’t sell it, his minions have done a miserable job selling it, and he just doesn’t get it. No one wants what they’re peddling.
There will be a revolution when they force this through.
Not sure how it will manifest, hopefully peacefully.