Personally, I think we should all sue The Weekly Standard for subjecting us to this cover for their March 15th edition
Is that the sound of gagging I hear through the Internet? Anyhow
It is increasingly clear that the leak of the internal emails and documents of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in November has done for the climate change debate what the Pentagon Papers did for the Vietnam war debate 40 years ago—changed the narrative decisively. Additional revelations of unethical behavior, errors, and serial exaggeration in climate science are rolling out on an almost daily basis, and there is good reason to expect more.
On one hand, it did change the narrative: the media is now more apt to publish stories assaulting the Left’s official religious stance that global warming must be caused, mostly or solely, by Mankind. Scientists are free to digress from the Der Commissars position without fear of losing their jobs or being discredited. On the other hand, it has caused many of the True Believers to go even more alarmist (and expect them to get even crazier than normal as the warmer part of the year in the Northern Hemisphere sets in). For instance, all of a sudden, less than 100 days after alarmism collapsed, the AGW fingerprint has been found! LuboÅ¡ Motl Pilsen beats the notion like a rented mule
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, exactly 100 days after the AGW alarmism largely collapsed, the Met Office just found the fingerprints of Man imprinted everywhere in the climate. Because there hadn’t been any fingerprints before the paper, we must ask: How did they realize this ambitious goal?
We learn that they didn’t even need a single research paper to do so. One review was enough! (snip)
There really doesn’t seem to be a single glimpse of a man-made fingerprint in the first Guardian article (or in the abstract of the full paper).
They just say many wrong things about particular regional questions. For example, wet places are getting wetter and dry places are getting drier, we learn. That’s a pretty bizarre statement given the recent observations that Sahara is greening.
Read the rest of Pilsen’s post as he blows the notion up.
Unfortunately, for some alarmists, things will never change, particularly when they make their money pushing AGW. I, and others, have stated that the AGW argument goes something like this
- The globe has mostly gotten warmer since the end of the Little Ice Age (or whatever point is popular and supports the supposition)
- Mankind releases greenhouse gasses
- Therefore, it must all be Mankind’s fault, and if we do not do something, we will all die
- Push and publish this notion, make $$$$$$
See if this story in the Houston Chronicle by a confirmed alarmist who makes his money and life pushing AGW as a scientist meets the theory (which doesn’t even come close to the actual Scientific Method). I’m just going to highlight the main points in order to keep this post to a decent length. You are welcome to read what is between the bullet points at the link
Contrary to what one might read in newspapers, the science of climate change is strong. Our own work and the immense body of independent research conducted around the world leaves no doubt regarding the following key points”
- The global climate is changing.
- Human activities produce heat-trapping gases.
- Heat-trapping gases are very likely responsible for most of the warming observed over the past half century.
- The higher the levels of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, the higher the risk of potentially dangerous consequences for humans and our environment.
Sound familiar?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

I saw the headline on Reader, and figured it was a joke.
Well, the joke was on me. The headline meant exactly what it said.
Will I never learn?
If only it was a joke. Saw that picture this morning and nearly threw up :)
[…] If that was Caligynephobia Therapy… …then this must be Cacophobia Therapy. […]
It is amazing how your last quote sounds almost verbatim Reasic’s last questions for me from another post.
We can also use the Underwear Nomes version
1. the Earth is warming
2. ??????
3. Man’s fault
[…] CST:Weekly Standard Brings The Nude ManBearPig To Climate Debate […]