Yeah, I’m a bit late on this one, it’s been a crazy day. The big news has been that Adam Gadahn was captured
The U.S.-born spokesman for al-Qaida has been captured in Pakistan, government sources said Sunday. But the reports were greeted with skepticism by U.S. intelligence officials, who said Pakistanis might have confused another detainee with Adam Yahiye Gadahn.
But, looks like that might not be the case
An “important Taliban militant” was arrested today in Pakistan. But that is where the confusion started.
Earlier it was reported by Pakistani media that intelligence agents had arrested Adam Gadahn, the American-born spokesman for al Qaeda, in an operation in the southern city of Karachi.
It was further reported by the Associated Press and Reuters that Gadahn had been arrested, sourcing security officials.
All sorts of news sources stated that they were told it was Gadahn by the Pakistanis. American intelligence was still skeptical, and….
Now, CBS News’ Farhan Bokhari in Islamabad writes that earlier reports the detained individual was Gadahn proved false. According to a Pakistan security official who spoke with CBS News on condition of anonymity, the arrested individual is in fact “a Taliban militant leader who is known as Abu Yahya.”
Damn! Here’s hoping Bokhari was told wrong. I’d like to see that fat goo swing from a rope. Interestingly, it is Congress who would have to set the penalty, per the Constitution. If caught, would the Pelosi-Reid led Congress have the cajones to set the death penalty and go for a real execution, not that weenie injection crap? has the details on Yahya, who is one of the top 10 wanted AQ scumbags who needs to find out if there are actually 72 virgins waiting for him.

dang it, dang it, dang it, dang it!!!!
Exactly. I want that fat scum dead.
ooops looks like a bit premature.