Yeah, basically has no bearing to what schools are playing, but, hey, cheerleaders!
Idea from Not Sheeples Here, which is why the second picture is of Duke.

Yeah, basically has no bearing to what schools are playing, but, hey, cheerleaders!
Idea from Not Sheeples Here, which is why the second picture is of Duke.
Teach, you’ve scored some serious cool points with me for posting a pic of Duke’s cheerleaders.
It’s a good thing I’m not responsible for judging this contest because I would name you the winner. Good job.
Yeah, Teach is not too low to suck up for points.
BTW, I think I need to put in my application for Stanford. Whoo-boy.
Thank you. I’m going to do the whole 64 over the next 4 days, too!
I actually do root for Duke in basketball. I went to ECU, which almost mights as well not have a bball team. But, Duke won me $100 years back when they played UNLV and I called it Duke by 2.
Just wait, Captainfish, you might find another school you like better!
Duke girls are fugly.
Admiral: I was unable to consider this posting for Round 1 as it came in after Carol’s deadline. But I will consdier it for Round 2.
Have to get me in the, Bob!
So far you have submitted four entries in Carol’s contest [I include this one]. There are three rounds left. I plan on considering the other three, one each to Rounds 2, 3, and 4. Which Round would you like this posting put into?
Let’s put this one in the next round, if you could, Bob. It is a bit better than the ones I did during the week.