Can I get a big yawn in knowing that the IPCC got it wrong yet again?
A new study, funded by Nasa, has found that the most serious drought in the Amazon for more than a century had little impact on the rainforest’s vegetation.
The findings appear to disprove claims by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that up to 40% of the Amazon rainforest could react drastically to even a small reduction in rainfall and could see the trees replaced by tropical grassland.
Why, it’s almost like nature is able to adapt to changes in the climate, which have been going on, well, as long as the Earth has been around!
As for Earth Hour (via Jammie Wearing Fool)
Gisele Bündchen and husband Tom Brady create PSAs in support of the global climate change movement Earth Hour.
The couple is encouraging the world to join them in turning off their lights Earth Hour on Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 pm local time. At that time, hundreds of millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour in the largest call to action of all time. An estimated 80 million Americans participated in Earth Hour 09 – nearly 1 billion globally.
You can watch their unhinged moonbat climate alarmist videos at the link. I really do not need to point out the silliness of this one hour a year stuff, do I? For people whose lifestyles put out enormous amounts of energy and CO2 to lecture others is just absurd. Gisele is a UN Ambassador for the Environment, aka, professional climate alarmist. Also, massive climahypocrite. But, hey, if anyone lives near Tom Brady, take a drive by his home at the appointed time and see if all his lights are off.

Teach we all remember your hysterical caterwalling about Al Gore’s house and its carbon footprint BUT then it turned out that he gets his electricity from renewable sources AND pays extra to do so, thereby supporting those technologies. Any chance that could be the case here too ?
“for as long as the world has been around” Teach the Bible says that the earth hasn’t been around all that long now, and the Champions of Climate Denial in the Senate ALL think the earth is only 6000 years old’cause that’s what it says in the Bible !
Ye God! little johnny is such the braying jackAss.
Except, John, Gore’s carbon footprint is massive, and he is simply paying offsets to live the life he wants everyone else to cut back on. Rather hypocritical, isn’t it?
Nice dig at Christians who believe that, John, of which I am not one that does. But, hey, great deflections. Care to discuss the actual content of the post?
John knows he and his ilk are losing this battle, and the war, Otter. They love throwing up deflections.
So, does this mean, like ordering a Diet Coke with my Big Mac – all calories and fat grams are magically zeroed, that running my air conditioner during that one hour will be zeroed out after turning my single ceiling lamp off?
Oh, and I get free electricity for my running computer too, right?
Oh, and the water heater!!
And, my tv, and my home theater, and my cable modem, and my DVR, and my sat receiver, and…. and….