A taste of things to come
A prize draw which rewarded ambulance crews for referring patients to a GP instead of taking them to hospital has been abandoned following complaints from doctors and patients.
Bins that are only emptied every two weeks should be treated as “health hazards” that could easily pass on E.coli and salmonella bugs to families, according to research.
Patient care and safety is being compromised by one of the key NHS targets of treating people in accident and emergency units within four hours of arriving, it was claimed today.
All from the main health page at the UK Telegraph.
(* a gagillion is slightly more than a shitload)
great moments in non government run healthcare http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/healthcare/2002-05-22-insurance-deaths.htm
18,000 deaths per year blamed on lack of insurance
and healthcare
Well, they can get off their asses and purchase insurance, instead of expecting someone else to pay for it.