How’s that post passage bounce working?
Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.
Say, weren’t they telling us that once it was passed, everyone would LUV it?
Others: Power Line, Ruby Slippers, Weekly Standard, Commentary, Right Wing Nut House, Hot Air, All Content and Gateway Pundit

Gallup has ut at 49% in favor t Gallup was the last major polster to have McCain winning in 2008
So, you’re saying that Gallup cannot be trusted since they were the last ones to realize that McCain was not going to win?
That sounds about right, Teach. I will also note that polls usually favor a larger sampling of the Left… so it is possible that this time they are right: less than 50% of the Left actually wants obamacare.
Once the not-loony Dem voters realize how screwed they are going to be, they are going to change their tune, as the independents who bought into HopenChange are doing now.
[…] Today, they’re noticing all the penalties in the Voldemort bill…Hot Air quotes AP, Pirates Cove talks about repealing…in honor of this wonky bill put together by the likes to Dr Seuss […]
Polls we don’t need your stinkin’ polls. Leaders lead the people that is why he was elected to be a leader not a poll follower