Hey, weren’t they telling us that this whole health care push was not an attempt to create government health care? Someone should have told Obama in Iowa City today
So, yes, this is a common-sense bill. It doesn’t do everything that everybody wants, but it moves us in the direction of universal health care coverage in this country and that’s why everybody here fought so hard for it. (Applause.)
“Please, Daddy Obama, please take care of us, because we are Liberals, and cannot think and act on our own, we cannot take care of ourselves!”
If anyone has the video, let me know. Fox News keeps running it on TV, but, nothing on the web as of yet.
BTW, if this was a “comprehensive health care bill”, then why is there a need to continually tweak and update it?

Socialism is typically established by means of incremental steps.
God deliver us from the Democratic Party’s vision on this!
Next up, we’ll get “comprehensive immigration reform,” aka, amnesty. Then perhaps cap and trade. Both of which we will be told will fix the economy and create jobs.
[…] Tip of the fedora to William Teach who commented: “Please, Daddy Obama, please take care of us, because we are Liberals, and cannot think and act on our own, we cannot take care of ourselves!†[…]
[…] Via William Teach: […]
THis is one of the stupidest posts about healthcare I have seen on the internet and that is saying a lot.
THis is one of the stupidest posts about healthcare I have seen on the internet and that is saying a lot.
Well, gee, thanks for you enlightened and thoughtful comment. The issues you bring to the table regarding Obama’s own words….oh, wait, all you did was throw a typical liberal personal attack without offering any substantive debate. Thanks!
The thing that amazes me is that from the beginning, Barry, Harry, and Nancy have been saying this is just the first step, and people just ignore it. Why has no one asked the follow up question, first step toward what? If this “reform” isn’t the end game, then what is? I’ll tell you what, a public take over.
And let’s not sugar coat what happened here. This was not a health care reform bill, it was a health insurance reform bill. There was nothing in this now law that will do one thing to increase the quality of care people receive. By calling it health care reform, which everyone I am sure will say they are all for better health care, they allow themselves the opportunity to disguise what they are really trying to ultimately do, which is to take over the insurance portion of the industry.
Obama qualifications to reform health care:
Influential in hiring policies of the University of Chicago Medical Center
Can not stop smoking
Difficulty telling the truth.
Narcissistic personality disorder
No birth certificate
Therefore, I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at http://www.igormaro.org
Compare Obama Care vs Igor Care at Igor Care vs Obama care