Gateway Pundit: Figures. Harry Reid Supporter Screams Teapartiers “Can Drop Dead†at Town Hall. Media Silent (Video)
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- JimS on Moonbats Recommend Wearing Black For Inauguration Day: “Biden ranting about the oligarchy is a hoot…. He and his co-conspirators, dems, big tech, Soros, and the legacy media…” Jan 19, 00:48
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: ““People will be making a pilgrimage to see this thing. Trump has a fan base that I don’t think we’ve…” Jan 18, 22:22
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “What will people remember Joe Biden for? Johnny tries to find out Bwaha! Lolgf!” Jan 18, 18:59
It’s way past time for the dingy one to create a shovel ready job come November. The ding could only get 100 people to show up for his non stop express through Nevada. Wow a whopping 1000 union black jack dealers were let off early to hear him grovel. It’s over Harry, live with it. You are done. J.C.