I don’t know about you, but, I am ready to read the unhinged, violent, disgusting, pathetic comments on liberal blogs and the Amazon page of a book they will never read, aren’t you?
The publisher of former President George W. Bush’s book “Decision Points” on Sunday set a Nov. 9 release date, unveiled its cover design and announced new details about it.
Bush has said he is not writing a traditional memoir but an account of key decisions in his life. The cover features a photo of then-President Bush alone with his thoughts, standing in the Rose Garden Colonnade, wearing a dark suit and holding a briefing book, his head turned slightly from the camera.
According to Crown Publishers, “Decision Points” will offer “gripping, never-before-heard detail” on such historic events as the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the 2000 presidential election along with Bush’s decision to quit drinking, his relationship with his family and other personal details.
It might actually be pretty interesting to understand some of what went on behind the scenes, especially in the war on terror, not to mention why Bush pushed amnesty.

I’m absolutely in for this one. Can’t wait! Bring it on!
I’m waiting for Condi’s book too.
They should be great, and guaranteed to make the Left go Level 10 Unhinged!
Cab’r wait to see the righties fall down and worship before the idol. Any memories of Bush will only make people remember what an impact he had on the USA He is thougt of as the worst POTUS in modern times. 75% of Americans blame Bush for the economy 15 months after he left !http://www.gallup.com/poll/127472/bush-gets-more-blame-economy-obama.aspx
That is a lot of people nit just the lefties.
I believe that honor belongs the James E. Carter hands down, followed closely By Dick Nixon.
No, John, he is thought of by the compassionate liberals as the worst president of all times. And guess what, he is looking like a GENIUS with the current one we have acting like a spoiled rotten teeneager…