Monthly Archives: April 2010

Feds To Test Results-Only Work. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

It’s not as if government sector positions are getting paid far more than their public sector counterparts, so, hey, let’s find a way to let them work less The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will soon implement a pilot that moves 400 agency employees into a Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) — where employees can […]

Aside: Gateway Pundit On Harry Reid Supporters

Gateway Pundit: Figures. Harry Reid Supporter Screams Teapartiers “Can Drop Dead” at Town Hall. Media Silent (Video)

Aside: The Other McCain On Hopeless Harry Reid

The Other McCain: Nevada Voters to Hopeless Harry Reid: ‘We’re Just Not That Into You’

Aside: Nice Deb On Harry Reid’s Campaign Kick Off

Nice Deb: Harry Reid Kicks Off Campaign Tour In Searchlight To A Crowd of Approximately 100

Aside: No Sheeples Here Celebrates Duke Victory

No Sheeples Here: One Short Shot

Maybe The iPad Isn’t All That

It surely will not replace a laptop, not when it has 13 glaring shortcomings. If you can’t simply hook it up to your printer with a USB cord, yeah, not a laptop killer. It’s a cute (and expensive) toy.

Fish Wrap Forgets To Inform That Killed Photographer Was Hanging With Insurgents

Have you heard about the video that was released that showed the killing of a Reuters photographer back in 2007 by American military helicopters? The Times makes sure that you don’t miss it: Video Shows American Killing of Photographer The Web site released a graphic video on Monday showing an American helicopter shooting and […]

San Fran Cops Stand Idly By While Liberals Take Over Homes Illegally

This is what Democrats would like to do to the entire nation A group of homeless people and housing activists took over a privately owned Mission District duplex on Sunday in what served as the climax of a protest designed to promote use of San Francisco’s vacant buildings as shelters for the needy. But the […]

Topless Women Offended By Gawkers (1 Image)

Why, yes, there is a story to go with the image About two dozen women marched topless from Longfellow Square to Tommy’s Park this afternoon (April 3rd) in an effort to erase what they see as a double standard on male and female nudity. The women, preceded and followed by several hundred boisterous and mostly […]

AGW Today: Greenpeace Knows Where You Are, Plus Cap And Tax

Here’s a cute little missive from a Greenpeace writer from the other day, which required someone else from Greenpeace to explain that “no, Gene wasn’t really pushing for violence. Really. I’m serious. Because we at Greenpeace are never violent. We don’t spike trees, assault ships, or push people to violent acts through our extreme rhetoric.” […]

Pirate's Cove