This would explain quite a bit
A recent study has found that global warming has impacted the nature of symptoms experienced by obsessive compulsive disorder patients. Climate change related obsessions and/or compulsions were identified in 28% of patients presenting with obsessive compulsive disorder. Their obsessions included leaving taps on and wasting water, leaving lights on and wasting electricity, pets dying of thirst, leaving the stove on and wasting gas as well as obsessions that global warming had contributed to house floors cracking, pipes leaking, roof problems and white ants eating the house. Compulsions in response to these obsessions included the checking of taps, light switches, pet water bowls and house structures. “Media coverage about the possible catastrophic consequences to our planet concerning global warming is extensive and potentially anxiety provoking. We found that many obsessive compulsive disorder patients were concerned about reducing their global footprint,” said study author Dr Mairwen Jones.
I’m not a psychiatrist or psycologist, but, I have to wonder if these people were nuts over globull warming, which turned into obsessive compulsive behavior.
However, one thing missing from the report is the compulsion among alarmists to make the most insane predictions, to blame Mankind solely, refuse to look at real, historical data, and fail to live the life they want everyone else to live.
Germany Israel and Switzerland all have governments that tale climate change seriously. As far as your wondering well stress of any kind is certainly possible to increase OCD. It is hard to stay chill when the temps are going up.
Israel exists in the middle of a Desert. A desert, btw, which did not exist in the days of Jesus. They have good reasons to work at environmental solutions to their situation.
Germany is backing out of AGW, if Der Spiegel is reporting accurately, and they are….
Switzerland… what the Hell can they do?
But you have ‘lil lying johnnie down to a T.
I reckon you made my point, John.