Actually, this is not such a bad idea
College seniors across the United States plan to start a new graduation tradition this year: tossing their ceremonial gowns into recycling bins.
For years, ecology-conscious campuses have been trying to reduce the environmental impact of commencement ceremonies by using less electricity or printing programs on recycled paper. Now, academic apparel manufacturers are jumping in with “green” options, ranging from disposable gowns that decompose quickly in soil to gowns made of recycled plastic bottles that can be reused or recycled.
There is nothing wrong with recycling, reusing materials, being ecologically conscious. Far from it. Unfortunately, some of the more extreme enviroweenies overdid their hysteria, and made being an environmentalist the same as being a wacko. Double unfortunately, part of what they mean by green is climate hysteria
The new products are an alternative to the petroleum-based polyester gowns millions of graduates buy each year, then promptly throw away or stuff into their closets. Manufacturers say the new gowns are a bit softer and more breathable than the traditional gowns, but otherwise are indistinguishable.
Petroleum. Oil. Climate alarmism. Turning a good idea into a wacko one. Sigh.
Meanwhile, climate alarmists are accusing climate realists of a “McCarthy-like persecution.” In other words, you big meanie realists, stop exposing the alarmists mule fritters religion.
They need to be reminded about the massive carbon footprint of a graduation ceremony, as hundreds if not thousands of parents descend upon each campus in cars, SUVs, arrive by plane….
Better yet, they could avoid gowns And graduation all together, and just have their certificates mailed to them.