I would postulate that Baca is breaking that whole silly oath thingy they take, and perhaps it is time to start pushing for impeachment of those elected officials that support those that are breaking our laws
Inland Rep. Joe Baca’s campaign against Arizona’s new anti-immigration law appears to be picking up steam.
As part of his general boycott of Arizona — which includes his refusal to fly through Phoenix on his weekly trips to and from Washington — Baca, D-Rialto, is distributing wristbands inspired by the Lance Armstrong LiveSTRONG craze.
Baca put in an order for 2,500 of his version, which will be red, yellow and blue — the colors of Arizona’s flag — to be worn as a show of solidarity against the controversial law.
Well, isn’t that special? It gets better
But while he’s waiting for the official rubber wristbands to come in, Baca has distributed hundreds of stand-by models made from laminated colored paper.
He passed out hundreds in San Bernardino during a May 1 rally for immigration reform and against the law requiring police to check the immigration status of anyone they come across if there is a “reasonable suspicion” they are in the country illegally.
Beyond wearing the bracelets, Baca is asking people to avoid spending money in the state unless the law is repealed.
In Washington, Baca has gotten House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and most members of the Democratic leadership to wear them, as they did — along with golfing legend Chi Chi Rodriguez — at a recent fundraiser for Baca. Baca said his office is fielding calls from people inquiring how they can get one of the wristbands.
Perhaps it is time to impeach them for failing to follow their oath of office.
not much chance of that Teach, but keep dreaming if you like
not much chance of that Teach, but keep dreaming if you like
There ya go. Way to celebrate people who break the law and encourage others to do so as well.
The oath of office for Congress reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
It says a lot about your Ryan that you support a person who not only is breaking the law, not only encouraging others to break the law, but also to go against the very oath to which he swore.
You’re probably right, John, but, hey, what’s a little breaking of one’s oath of office, you know?
Anybody from Arizona asking for them? Or is it just the usual suspects in NYC and DC?