Unshockingly, even with the mention of Mohammed, the AP and the reprint at the Washington Post fails to wonder if this was done by a member of the Religion Of Peace. You know if there was the most minute hint that something occurred that could be linked to the TEA Party, they would be all over it
The home of a Swedish artist who once drew a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad as a dog has been hit by a suspected arson attack, police said Saturday.
Lars Vilks, who lives in Nyhamnslage in southern Sweden, was not at home during the attack late Friday night and no one was reported injured.
It was the latest in a week of attacks on the 53-year-old cartoonist, who was assaulted Tuesday by a man while he lectured at a university and saw his Web site apparently attacked by hacker on Wednesday.
It’s almost like these are some random attacks, eh? Like Eric Holder, the MSM is afraid to mention Islam.
Others: The Jawa Report, RedState and The Daily Caller

[…] TEA Party Launches Arson Attack On Home Of Mohammed Cartoonist … […]
ummm NO but why is there no mention of the Maine State GOP trashing that classroom that they were allowed to use ?
OR the mosque that was hit with a pipe bomb (that exploded) in Jacksonville ?http://wokv.com/localnews/2010/05/possible-hate-crime-investigat.html
‘lil Lying johnnie: WHO GIVES A DAMN?
ummm NO but why is there no mention of the Maine State GOP trashing that classroom that they were allowed to use ?
Maybe because there was no “trashing” of any classroom? A poster was stolen. The GOP has apologized and offered to pay for the poster.
Now, are you really trying to equate someone trying to burn someone’s house down and threatening them with death as the same as a poster being stolen?
Are you that morally bankrupt?
OR the mosque that was hit with a pipe bomb
I guess you are that morally bankrupt. There is no mention in any report that there was a pipe bomb that “hit” a mosque or even a pipe bomb on the property of the mosque. A explosion was heard outside of the mosque and it is being investigated.
But here is the rub….. the removal of a poster in the classroom was a wrong as the teacher using his classroom to demonize and indoctrinate middle school kids that people on the right are evil. (And yes, he had a sticker in the classroom with that message.) Neither is correct.
The explosion outside of a mosque if planted is abhorrent.
Now, when you come out and say that attack on an artist and his home are wrong, then and only then can you try and play your stupid little “moral relativism” game.
Here here Gitar!
No bad behavior is good, and none should be accepted.
The point here is that it’s ALWAYS bad behavior by the left, at Dem Convention, at Rep convention, at G-8- that is dangerous, out of control and arrests are made; and the media gives it a pass! ALWAYS.
But find one bad protest sign, out of hundreds of perfectly acceptable ones at a Tea Party, and it (lame stream media) focuses on that alone, then classifies the entire movement as evil right wing racist murdering mobs.
This guy is being attacked, and Johnny cares not for his safety, but for the safety and free speech of idealougues like Muslim militant jihadists who want to murder all infidels.
Classic liberal madness.