Happy Sunday! A great day in America, all Dad’s are looking to break out the grill today (well, every day, it’s a guy thing), but, hey, ladies, let Dad relax with a beer, a ball game, and a good view (yes, I am a pig, why do you ask?) This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Gitmo detainies returning to terrorist activities? Who woulda thunk that would happen? Weasel Zippers has the story
- Legal Insurrection discusses useful idiots and the Gaza flotilla
- Oh, snap! A stimulus funded road to be named after PeBO. Doug Powers has the details
- Anthony Watts reports on Omaha schools pulling AGW material off the shelves
- Gore Lied has the AGW weekly roundup
- Over at Blogmocracy, we find out that Olbermann pulled a Chuckie
- Jane informs us of Al Qaeda injuring children with a rocket attack. Funny how the MSM ignores this stuff, eh?
- Blogs For Victory has a message for dads on Father’s Day
- WordPress 3.0 has been released, and bRight & Early provides some details
- Bob Etheridge has a history of assualting questioners, per Confederate Yankee
- Angela Merkel tells PeBO “hell no” to more deficit spending, via Gateway Pundit
- Gay Patriot informs us of the coming frenzy of stimulus spending. You know, that legislation that was supposed to really have been about saving the economy last year
- Writing a letter to PeBO can be dangerous to one’s immigration status, via Jammie Wearing Fool
- Jumping in Pools discusses the difference between being a Conservative and living as a Conservative
- And last, but most definitely not least, Excitable Debbie Schlussel does her typical unhinged bit and personally insults good blog friend Cassy Fiano in a very nasty manner. Would it be uncharitable and rude to tell Debbie that one gets more flies with honey she should STFU and GFHS? Perhaps get her ashes hauled, so she won’t be such an incredible nutjob bitch (waiting for my own cease and desist email in 3…2…1….
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out
- Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain
- Rule 5: Katy Perry Celebrates The Anglosphere! at Nation Of Cowards
- Weekend Link Love: Joe Satriani Edition at All American Blogger
- Linkaround at The Blog Prof. (last weeks)
- It’s The Speculators, Tweedy! at The Classic Liberal. Also, Right Wing Links.
- Camp Of Saints has Rule 5 Saturday, featuring Susan Denberg.
- Just Because You’re Paranoid has the latest Lil’ O-Bama. Make sure you scroll back through the rest for the week, too.
- The Daley Gator has the Daley Babe, Nicole Eggert.
- No Sheeples Here has Somethin 4 Mutton: Father’s Day Edition, with an awesome graphic (as we all expect).
- Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Father’s Day Edition at And So It Goes In Shreveport.
Anyone else have a link or hotty fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list.
Oh, and, remember this picture? Happy Father’s Day, all, and God Bless all the troops serving, seperated from their families, to protect the American Way!!

Happy Fathers Day.
Its almost July. Its 55 degrees outside and raining. I havent even used my air conditioner yet but one thing I know for sure.
If its cold out. Its global warming. If its hot outside. its global warming. If it floods, rains, hails, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes….
Its global warming.
If my cows fart they contribute to global warming. If I eat cows I contribute to global warming.
I have decided to build a bunker……eat dehydrated food and let my yard become weeds because……Well I don’t really have a good reason but I think its what Al Gore and the AGW alarmist want me to do.
[…] William Teach: Pinup girls freakin rock man! […]
[…] Coast RebelLibertarian RepublicanThe Camp of the SaintsFather’s DayThe Pirate’s Cove reached into the seemingly infinite stash for another delight.iOwnTheWorld celebrated […]
[…] Rebel 5 Spectacular! We hope you like the pattern Sunday Pinup […]