This had to seriously hurt the NY Times and CBS News to publish the results of this poll (starting with the Times story)
Overwhelmingly, Americans think the nation needs a fundamental overhaul of its energy policies, and most expect alternative forms to replace oil as a major source within 25 years. Yet a majority are unwilling to pay higher gasoline prices to help develop new fuel sources.
It’s actually only 51% who refuse to pay higher taxes, which was kinda surprising. Personally, I see more alternatives, or, at least hope there are viable alternatives, within 25 years. Cleaner, more efficient, renewable. Yes, that is what I want. So, whale oil is out.
The poll, which examines the public’s reaction to the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, highlights some of the complex political challenges the Obama administration faces. For instance, despite intense news coverage and widespread public concern about the economic and ecological damage from the gulf disaster, most Americans remain far more concerned about jobs and the nation’s overall economy.
Why should we be that concerned when the Obama admin. has only shown flashes of caring?
And in that regard, President Obama does not fare well: 54 percent of the public say he does not have a clear plan for creating jobs, while only 34 percent say he does, an ominous sign heading into this fall’s midterm elections.
Respondents were nearly evenly split on the president’s handling of the economy — 45 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove. His job approval rating remains just below 50 percent. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Americans think the country is on the wrong track.
Why would anyone think that a guy with no private sector experience who has never created a job would know what to do, especially when he surrounds himself with people who are hostile to the private sector, and do not have much experience themselves?
Switching to the CBS article with different details
Just 32 percent say Mr. Obama has a clear plan to deal with the oil leak, while 59 percent (including 64 percent of Gulf coast residents) say he does not.
The numbers are barely any better for those who watched his horrible Oval Office lecture, which was mostly on stuff other than the BP spill. I suspect the initial planning meeting went something like
We could ignore the problem, sir.
Barack Obama: You mean go home–hope everything turns out OK in the morning? I’ve considered it. There’s got to be a better way. Maybe if I got these lights to all blink in sequence. Why the hell aren’t I notified of these things?!?
Thanks for publishing the link to the poll Teach. If it wasn’t there I probably would not have seen that Obama’s approval rating has not changed since the oil spill. ANd remains about twice that of Bush’s lows
Wow does John ever have the strongest rose colored glasses on the market! He will be the last hold out (beyond the Obama immediate family) to stick up for the president’s miserable job performance.
But I like that, he’s at least consistent, or predictable.