Surprised? Of course not. These unhinged alarmists typically hate America and what it stands for, so, what better way to ruin your 4th of July? (via Newsbusters)
An environmentalist group wants to stop the annual Fourth of July fireworks show in La Jolla.
The Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation filed a lawsuit against the city and the organizers behind the display.
“I gave them every opportunity to do the right thing and stay out of it,” said Marco Gonzalez, an attorney for the foundation. “Not only did they not, they bent over backwards to allow an illegal show to go forward.”
There’s nothing these extreme envirowackos won’t do to take all the fun out of, well, everything, simply for their own unhinged and un-scientific agenda.

if the facts are not on your side then it is probably best to attack the messengers., especially the looniest ones as they are the easiest targets.
We just spent about $300.00 on fireworks. But I know we’ll go out and spend more, since we’ll probably set some off tonight, tomorrow night, the 3rd AND on the 4th. I love the smell of gunpowder in the evening…and all of the kiddies adore it when we set them off.
Happy Fourth of July and Independence of America! Enjoy the weekend Teach!
if the facts are not on your side then it is probably best to attack the messengers., especially the looniest ones as they are the easiest targets. ~ ‘lil LIAR johnnie ryan.
So, ‘lil Liar! Do you Still wonder why we keep attacking you?
Is there some reason the judge didn’t smile indulgently, pat them on their pointed little heads and tell them to go play in the freeway?