Monthly Archives: June 2010

Remember The Days When Dems Considered These Bad Jobs?

Going back to when unemployment was at historical lows, Democrats continuously claimed that the US was not adding “good jobs,” because many of them were temporary and/or part time. Today? Not a peep Employers added 431,000 nonfarm jobs nationwide in May, the biggest increase in a single month in a decade, the Labor Department said […]

Oops! Katrina Global Warming Lawsuit Backfires

Remember back to October 2009, when the 5th Circuit Court ruled that a lawsuit against companies that produce greenhouse gases could go forward from folks who say these companies made Hurricane Katrina worse. Yeah, about that After an unusual about-face prompted by a late recusal, a federal appeals court has scrapped a ruling that said […]

Obama Sorta Blames GOP For Oil Spill

When it comes down to it, the blame games is just about all the Obama administration has. When a person with virtually no private sector nor executive experience surrounds himself with people who have spent barely any time, if any at all, outside of academia or politics, what you end up with is a group […]

Five Reasons Gitmo Won’t Close This Year, None Of Them Obama’s Fault

Hey, ABC News has to do something to make it seem as if Obama’s first act in office (signing an order to close Guantanamo Bay) wasn’t a total shame, lie, and bone to the hard left Sixteen months after the Obama administration ordered the closure of the U.S. military detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, […]

Gov. Brewer Says “Bring It On, President Unprecedented!”

Usually, hyper-partisan Chicago Way politicians like Obama and Eric Holder think they can get away with their intimidation tactics, but, not everyone backs down to the mafia Bring it on. That’s the attitude Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is taking toward the possibility that the Obama administration could file a legal challenge to her state’s immigration […]

Universal Is Kinda Sucking

Seriously, Universal Studios should be open longer than 10-6, since it takes a frackin hour to get in the gate.

Purple Shirted Nutters Protest At Dodgers Stadium

I came in a somewhat hidden, and virtually unmarked, back entrance into Dodgers Stadium last night, so, I missed the protest outside the stadium. Looks like the purple shirted SEIU haters of law and order were there leading the charge A mushrooming group of protesters against Arizona’s immigration law grew to a few hundred at […]

Say, About That Wonderful, Awesome, Monumental, Going Broke Canadian Health Systerm

Wait, what was that last part? Pressured by an aging population and the need to rein in budget deficits, Canada’s provinces are taking tough measures to curb healthcare costs, a trend that could erode the principles of the popular state-funded system. Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, kicked off a fierce battle with drug companies and […]

Pirate's Cove