As Obama goes on yet another vacation, this time to Maine, at the end of a week where Michelle Obama urged everyone (else) to visit the Gulf region and take a vacation there, no one should be surprised by these numbers. Except Obama, who’s probably thinking he and the Dems are doing a miraculous job
Granted, the question on government went down 3 points since the June survey, yet, the economy and jobs questions have seen an uptick. Since Obama has made it his job #1 to fix this (from the golf course), those questions are on him, as well. Also rising was fuel/fuel prices, up from zero in June to 5 in July.
Heck of a job keeping the country mired in economic problems, champ.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU
Interesting that neither global warming nor any of its newer monikers (climate change, global climate disruption, etc.) appear in the top ten. Let’s hope climategate was the turning point in the battle against climate alarmism.