Hey, GOP/RNC, are you freaking paying attention? We know Obama and the Democrats aren’t. Here is one of your campaign points
I do find it interesting that so many Dems opposed keeping the tax cuts, yet, they never bother to send extra money in to the IRS. Why is that?
Anyhow, the story is entitled The Tax Tsunami On The Horizon, and discusses a whole boatload of new taxes to go with the expiration of the “Bush tax cuts.” Check it out.
First person to whine about the tax cuts as “being for the rich” needs to post a copy of their tax documents which show them sending extra to the IRS.
I support going back to the tax eates we had during the time the “greatest generation” was winning WW II when the very richest Americans paid 80% willingly helping our nation fight its enemies and I can not see why the present richest should not pat the same. This would only affect the top 1-2 %
What World War are in at this time, ‘lil LIAR?
I guess the war against militant islam…. oh wait, you are on their side, never mind…….