Apparently, it’s Raaacist Weekend at the Times. So far, we have, among others,
- Race: Still Too Hot to Touch (Money paragraph: In many ways, Ms. Sherrod’s ordeal followed a depressingly familiar pattern in American life, in which anyone who even tries to talk about race risks public outrage and humiliation. They should substitute Conservative for American)
- Mo Dowd with You’ll Never Believe What This White House Is Missing (The Obama White House is too white.)
- Frank Rich with There’s a Battle Outside and It Is Still Ragin’ (he tries to explain the Sherrod story, about a week after everyone knows the details)
- Van Jones (yes, that Commie crazy) whines with Shirley Sherrod And Me
- And Our Post-Post-Racial Summer, Ctd.
But, buried on the Corrections page is this nugget, found by John at Powerline, via Smitty at The Other McCain
The Political Times column last Sunday, about a generational divide over racial attitudes, erroneously linked one example of a racially charged statement to the Tea Party movement. While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements, there is no evidence that epithets reportedly directed in March at Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, outside the Capitol, came from Tea Party members. (Go to Article)
Something like that should appear in a real article on at least page A15, where the original article appeared, if not A1.

Actually, Power Line picked that up from me via Instapundit! And thanks for posting this — I’ll update with the coup at my page!
Well, that was last week’s Power Line post actually … Anyway, working on a gloating entry at my place and will link you William.
Like you, I love how it’s buried on the corrections page. Why publicize the another Democrat lie?